YalaTech digital shelf labels provide channel synchronization for retailers. With digital price tags, the price on your store shelf is the same as your price online, on your mobile app, and across multiple locations. This keeps your online and offline channels synchronized to ensure a unified experience for your shoppers no matter how they engage with you.
We have a multitude of products designed for any space, and item & any store – with the associated fixtures, clips and stands to make them stand out whether on their own or attached to your existing furniture.
YalaTech electronic shelf label solution gives you price agility.
Pricing changes are often time critical, but with paper tags and thousands of products to update, it can be challenging if not impossible to complete the task effectively. Digital price tags allow your team to update prices and promos on any number of products in just a few seconds.
Electronic Shelf Edge Labels drastically reduce the cost of printing paper labels and also save hours of staff time when distributing and applying updated labels. Additionally, ESL tags offer enormous potential to increase sales, profitability and competitive edge with flexible, responsive pricing opportunities.
YalaTech digital shelf labels provide channel synchronization for retailers. With digital price tags, the price on your store shelf is the same as your price online, on your mobile app, and across multiple locations. This keeps your online and offline channels synchronized to ensure a unified experience for your shoppers no matter how they engage with you.
YalaTech ESL system reduces time and cost for pricing management, improves pricing accuracy and allows dynamic pricing. With digital price labels you have the ability to change price and promotion information on any label, any shelf and any store in a matter of seconds, ensuring that offers are current and relevant.
YalaTech electronic label solution helps to improve productivity.
Price changes can come in large batches throughout the week, resulting in staffing problems and requiring employees to spend large amounts of time on a task that most find boring. Digital price label allows you to improve the staff allocation and use your employees to do what matters—engage and serve your shoppers.
In the deli section of a supermarket or bakery, where food may stain the ESL tag, this accessory protects the ESL in all directions. It is a design we made for a chain bakery in Australia. The customer is very satisfied with it in enhancing the image of the store and protecting the digital price label.
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